Ayana - no hair.png

About the founder

Ayana has never met a problem she didn’t want to solve. She is a creative problem-solver who uses her talents to address issues rooted in systemic inequality. From leading anti-oppression workshops to running social innovation labs, she draws on a broad set of design and systems thinking skills, with a preference for dialogue-based design. She has a knack for helping large groups reach consensus and for moving collaborative initiatives forward.

She is an educator, a small business owner, and a kite-flying enthusiast.

She is not a robot.

What’s in a name?

harbingers \HAHR-bun-jerz\

noun. pl.
1 : those who initiate major change : people who originate or help open up new activities, methods, or solutions.
2 : those who foreshadow future events or give anticipatory signs of what is to come.

Adapted from Oxford Languages Dictionary

Our values


We critically counterbalance power structures using systems thinking, considering winners and losers in decisions, and by building inclusive processes.


We promote and centre input from people affected by the issues we work on. We give outliers the weight they deserve. We share data openly and contextualize it within lived experiences.


We use appreciative inquiry to lead with curiosity and empathy. We reflect on and evaluate everything we do, and we share our learnings openly.


We care as much about the means as the end. We commit to processes that honour participants. We are both values- and purpose-driven.


We challenge entrenched views and take innovative risks, anchored by our values. We experiment freely to develop new solutions to both old and new problems.


We increase the joy and optimism in difficult work. We make room for community-building and make people feel heard. We aim to always leave on a high note.

How we work


We build those around us as we build ourselves. This means we exchange information with our networks, support and promote each other’s work and seek collaborators.


We work toward equal distribution of power. We share revenue with collaborators, pay equitably, and work with affected people to ensure lived experience is compensated as expertise.

Need to add a creative problem-solver to your team?